Featured Services
IoT & Cloud
Managed Internet and Data connectivity with quality of service guarantee. Specialized infrastructure for high performance wired and wireless networks. SLA and specialized technical support.
Business Continuity
Automatic backups and replicas of user information and critical customer applications. Disaster recovery services with geographic redundancy.
Our Services
New Access offers managed services that prevent the customer from making large investments in equipment or software. The solutions are dimensioned and contracted in service mode to optimize resources and their associated costs. Our customers have flexibility to increase or decrease resources according to their needs, and we are in charge of maintaining and supporting the necessary infrastructure and licensing. We take care of your technology platforms while you handle your business.
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Building Success Together
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Norms and Regulations
Dear Customers,
In compliance with Circular No. ARCOTEL-CCON-2024-0020-C issued by ARCOTEL on November 20, 2024, and in alignment with Executive Decree No. 444 dated November 5, 2024, EdgeUno Ecuador S.A. informs you that, as a compensatory measure in response to the ongoing energy crisis in the country, we have implemented the following option, available upon customer request:
Speed Increase: We will increase the contracted internet service speed, depending on the technical possibilities of our networks, for a period of 30 days or more, depending on each case.
To access this measure, interested customers must send their request to customerexperience@edgeuno.com. Each case will be analyzed and approved based on our internal policies and the available technical capacities. It applies only to EdgeUno's clients in Ecuador.
We appreciate your understanding and reaffirm our commitment to providing responsible solutions in light of the current situation.
EdgeUno Ecuador S.A.
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